Two Beast Unveiled – How Many More To Come?
The first beast was unveiled at the United Nations.
Is the prophecy being fulfilled or are the satanic-globalist mocking the Holy Bible and the Book of Revelation? Only time will tell.
We believe with everything we have been witness to over the past 5+ years that we are seeing the Book of Revelation play out before our eyes. We believe the end times are upon us.
This is the first beast that was unveiled on December 9, 2021.
Daniel 7:4a, Revelation 13:2,7, 1 Thessalonians 5:3
Prophecy is being fulfilled.
The #antichrist #UnitedNations' new Revelation beast sculpture
in front of the UN building in New York.They call it "the messenger of global peace and security".— 👑Shabnam👑✝️ John14:6 (@ShabnamHamseda) December 9, 2021
The truly disturbing sculpture is the zombie on behind the beast. You can see a better shot in the image on right. There appears to be one behind the other beast in the image below. You can see it just off the back right foot of the beast, against the wall.
This one was unveiled December 10, 2021
Another statue. This one at the Rockefeller plaza New York.
The dragon is boasting a lot lately with his ‘appearance’ cuz he knows he’s running out of time!👉📖Revelation 20:1-3 (KJV)
— The focallist (@TheFocallist) December 11, 2021
If you look in the lower right corner of the image you will see what appears to be another sculpture of some kind of monster.